
intellectual board games

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hexagonal set of dominoes numerical groups of playing cards predictions of events

Hexagonal playing cards with letters.
Intellectual board games.

Set of letters 1st.
32 playing cards.

version of the board game is intended for word games

Set of letters 2nd.
32 playing cards.

letters of the alphabet in game groups on frequency of the use in language

Description of game model.

Hexagonal playing cards with letters is a version of this board game for word forming gaming. Namely the game model consists of playing cards with letters which players can have in cells of hexagonal board and play word forming games.
The offered board game is not similar to scrabble as playing cards and cells of the board have hexagonal forms, and also rules of gaming differ from scrabble as letters in complete sets of playing cards are organized as sets of chessmen or checkers that forms original game model.
Two complete sets of playing cards in this version of game correspond to letters of the Latin alphabet, namely each complete set has playing cards with 20 consonant letters and 6+6=12 vowel letters. In the sum in each complete set there are 32 playing cards that is comparable to the game board which has 64 hexagonal cells.
Letters of the alphabet are distributed on proportional game groups in each complete set according to frequency of usage (repetition rate) in English language. Namely this game system is organized for word forming games in a context of English language, but can be organized for word games in a context of other languages which are constructed according to letters of the Latin alphabet.
In each group there are 16 playing cards and 16 letters which have equal ratio of usage frequency, namely 16 letters of one game group meet in words as often as 16 letters of the second game group that allows to have equal odds of a prize if two players participate in game and everyone possesses playing cards of own proportional group.
Players can distinguish playing cards of different proportional groups, and also can distinguish cards of two complete sets by means of multi-color points. Points are red and yellow in the first complete set, namely 16 playing cards of one proportional group have red points and 16 playing cards of the second proportional group have yellow points. And points are blue and green in the second complete set that also designates different proportional groups.
Besides playing cards have focusing arrows which allow to focus letters in cells of the game board and to distinguish cards in the event that players settle down opposite each other on the different parties of the board.

Images of two complete sets of hexagonal playing cards with letters of the English (Latin) alphabet, and also images of hexagonal cards with letters of the Russian alphabet can be taken in the PDF file.

letters of the Russian alphabet can be taken in the PDF file

The shown board gaming with letters can be interesting in game clubs where people play intellectual games if such clubs exist. And also shown hexagonal cards with letters can be used in the centers of intellectual development of children and schoolboys, as games should be interesting and fascinating if parents wish to develop intelligence and logic thinking of their child.
If elementary placing letters on a playing board with formation of words cannot interest children, that is possible as a result in use of Scrabble, then it is possible to apply the shown game design according to which children and parents can move letters on a playing board and form words.


Positions of letters in cells of game boards.
Rules of word forming games and puzzles.

Hexagonal playing cards with letters of the alphabet can be applied to various word games and puzzles which can have different rules. It is possible to spread letters in cells of game boards and to form words, or it is possible to have preliminary letters in cells and then to shift during game process, or it is possible to have preliminary letters in initial playing positions and then to move on cells of game boards as chessmen. In those or other cases it is possible to use different game boards and different quantity of playing cards with letters for realization of different rules of gaming.
For example, it is possible to have playing cards in initial game positions as shown in figure.

game rules for hexagonal playing cards with letters as scrabble Two proportional groups of playing cards in the shown game positions are located on the different parties of the board according to arrangements of players opposite each other on the different parties of the board.
Yellow letters correspond to playing cards of one player, and red letters correspond to playing cards of the second player.
Players have equal odds of a prize as letters in proportional groups have equal ratio of usage frequency in English language.
Players move playing cards with letters on cells of the board and can form words during game. If a structure of a word includes letters of the opponent then players have the right to remove these letters of the opponent from the board.
The problem of game consists that each player should form a word which consists of three own letters and is located in cells which are designated by daggers in figure.
Problems and game rules can be different, and also preliminary playing cards of two proportional groups can be located in initial positions in another way rather than it is shown in figure. In essence it is possible to apply different variants of rules and different variants of initial positions, and including it is possible to have playing cards and letters in initial positions in the casual order.


If game rules assume to spread playing cards with letters in cells of the game board as in scrabble and if players apply two complete sets of playing cards for gaming then it is possible to use the game board which has 64 hexagonal cells as two complete sets have 32+32=64 playing cards, that is comparable to 64 cells.
And also it is expedient to apply the 64-cell game board and two complete sets of playing cards with 64 letters for realization of word forming puzzles.
In total it is possible to think up many various games and puzzles in which players spread or shift or move hexagonal playing cards with letters on cells of different game boards and form words.
Rules of various games and puzzles can be borrowed on pages of other website about word gaming.
